Leo grabbed onto the bar on the side of the room while Mei held on to the stage.
#Just shapes and beats images full#
Suddenly, the theater had turned a full 180 degrees, sending the children tumbling forwards. I don't want to affect the ones I adore the most." Said Balan's voice. "I'm in here Leo, but please don't get close. "BALAN!! BALAN!! Where are you?" Leo shouted. "Well, Either Balan created a new form of Tim, or something is very wrong." Mei said as they reached the auditorium of the theater. Tims have little puffs for Wings, not these." Trisha Jane said. The others looked at the Tim in her arms and found that it had gigantic bird sized wings. "Uh.Guys? Are Tims supposed to have big wings like this?" She asked. Suddenly, Kaylo spotted a Tim hopping towards them, chirping as it did "Hey Little Guy!" She said, picking up the Tim, but she started to feel that something was off. To the kids, entering the Balan Theater, WITHOUT the titular maestro that ran the place was off putting, scary even. "Wouldn't Balan be performing for someone?" Mei asked as they went deeper inside the theater "Maybe they're on a break?" Rebecca asked. "I think? I just don't see them." He said, opening the door wider for the others. Leo peered inside of the theater, looking for the maestros that ran the place "Leo? Are they in there?" Emma asked. Magic Rollercoasters with infinite track? In Wonderworld! Clocks that could rewind Time? Found in Wonderworld! Fruits that gave you magical abilities? Only in Wonderworld! Of course, In a world where anything is possible, there are also problems that come with it.and one of those come in the form or reality warping hiccups. It was a a simple fact in the Multiverse, that in Wonderworld, ANYTHING was possible.